Tata Consultancy Services | Global Reception 2017
On a smart dive in the «Digital Ocean»
During the Annual Meeting in Davos, Tata Consultancy Services traditionally invites its partners and clients to the Global Reception. Live Lab has been staging the event with a new 360° projection in the Live Lab Dome every year since 2016. In 2017, the event took place under the motto «Digital Ocean».
In 2017, we staged a digital ocean with four different underwater worlds projected onto our Dome for the TCS Global Reception. The sea creatures were controlled with artificial intelligence. The control room was additionally able to insert impressive events: Like the passing of dolphins or a gigantic sperm whale.
Facts & Figures
Client: Tata Consultancy Services
Category: Corporate events | Projetion mapping | Annual Meeting Davos
Location: Davos
Date: January 2017
Our assignment: Conception and implementation of the annual Global Reception in Davos
More projects:
All Annual Meeting Davos Corporate events Projection mapping