So that your brand becomes an event.
Thanks to a well-thought-out strategy, your events pay off for your brand in the long term and you reach target groups and goals. Creative ideas ensure that this happens surprisingly and effectively.
We combine strategy and creation right from the start. This includes asking and questioning many things at the beginning of a project: Which format will help you achieve your goals? How can a marketing message be adapted live? Do we get the most out of the budget?
We are not only critical, but also enthusiastic. We work out ideas in iterations and dramatise the wow moment. As much as we like to test the limits of the possible again and again, we think about implementation early on.
Our next project could look like this:
Strategy and vision
Objectives: Analyse status quo, define target groups and messages, define goals, concretise first experiences, onboard and network internal stakehold
Methods: Interviews, open staff, thesis formation, prototyping
Deliverables: Common goal picture, idea concept with wow moment
Concept & Design
Objectives: Communication as 360°-degree experience, concretising prototypes, conceptualizing a wow moment, Rough budget, “Go” for an idea
Methods: Elevator pitch, define KPIs, mockups, open staff, etc.
Deliverables: Concept, KPIs, rough budget
Project development
Objectives: Develop the experience journey and dramaturgy of the wow moment,
Developing the pre- and post-event communication
Methods: Communication architecture, production coordination
Deliverables: Detailed concept, production plan, budget
Go Live
Objectives: Customer success
Methods: Project management, measure KPIs, controlling
Deliverables: Brand experience
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